The device is recommended for use in home therapy of the neck, spine, and lower back pain. The strength of this device is that it treats the entire spine, including sore areas directly (which can be anywhere from the neck to the sacrum). Because of this, a comprehensive therapy is achieved. The device is also designed to have deep impact on the muscles with very high precision, getting between vertebrae. The device allows you to relieve the spine to the maximum extent in the convenience of your own home.
Indications for use:
- Muscle spasm (osteochondrosis)
- Joint pain (herniated discs, pinched nerves)
- The treatment of scoliosis
- For preventive purposes as well as to help relieve the lower back and achieve relaxation of the back muscles (''sedentary'' lifestyle, i.e. office work)
- For postpartum recovery
Device Action:
Cordus has three facets with notches for the neck, lumbar and thoracic region. Under the weight of the person's body, the anatomical protrusions of the device smoothly sink to the depth of the periorbital muscles - up to 25-28 mm. The device has elastic therapeutic tops made of thermoelastoplast with a density close to a healthy muscle, which provides a gentler relaxation of the spinal muscles. After 2-3 minutes of treatment, the spasmed muscle ''reboots'' and gets restored to its normal relaxed state, relieving pain. Subsequently, the spine is stretched, blood flow is restored, and disc or nerve compression is eliminated. The device should be used on the entire vertebrae according to the enclosed instruction leaflet, devoting strictly no more than 3-5 minutes to each area of the spine (areas of spine are shown on the leaflet).
We also offer Cordus Vibro (device with electronics). With electronics, the range of therapy of the device becomes wider, as there is a more intensive interaction with the joints, as well as the central nervous system. By clicking on this link you can learn about the difference between Cordus Pro and Cordus Vibro device work.